Strict requirements and respect rule the destiny of Maison Ropiteau Frères. Strict requirements for supplies, and respect for the climat. In Burgundy, the notion of ‘climat’ refers to a plot precisely delimited, knows under its name for centuries and whose soil, underground, exposure and microclimate are the inherent components of a ‘cru’s’ personality. These “climats” induce an exceptional patchwork of world renowned wines.
By acquiring many parcels of grapes and must within the Golden Triangle, known for the quality of its appellations, Maison Ropiteau Frères has proven its attachment to its native region and confirmed its willingness to become the specialist in the wines from the Côte de Beaune and, more specifically, Meursault.Some thirty winegrowers work solely with Ropiteau on Meursault soil, respecting the conditions imposed by the winemaker. The grapes or must from a particular vineyard constitutes a batch. It will impart the wine with all the richness of the climatof origin. It is thanks to this amazing patchwork of ‘climats’ that our wines are so complex and make our House so proud.
Where to find us
21190 Meursault
Fax: +33 (0) 3 8 0 2 1 6 9 2 9